Cetetherm Pressosmart MP7N (2 vertical pumps, 2 pressure relief valves) With open tank - Spare Parts
by Cetetherm
Domestic hot water storage tanks 150–4000L/10 bar
Domestic hot water storage vessel made of 100% 316 stainless steel.
Volumes: 125 to 4000 L.
Inspection openings: 120 and 400 mm following volume.
Cetetherm AquaTank 316Ti is a range of stainless steel secondary storage tanks from 150 - 4000 litres. These tanks are designed for use in combination with Cetetherm’s tap
water systems like AquaFirst, AquaEfficiency, AquaProtect or
AquaCompact. Ideal for any premises where the water flow
need is not constant such as in:
• apartment blocks
• hospitals
• hotels
• retirement and nursing homes
• schools
• leisure centres...