SKU 7572714
Viessmann Vitocell 200-V, 200-B Single Coil 35 kW 90L to 300L DHW storage cylinder
Please call to check availability before ordering Live Chat / 01985 850982
This Range is Discontinued - Replacement - Joule DHW Cylinders
A state of the art DHW storage cylinder
- Vitocell 200-V - Single Coil
- Vitocell 200-B - Twin Coil
The Vitocell 200 range of unvented hot water storage cylinders are indirectly heated cylinders designed for use with Vitodens system boilers (or UK standard boilers). Cutting-edge, innovative technology results in astonishingly low levels of heat loss and exceptional performance.
- CFC/HCFC free fire retardant polyurethane foam
- Insulation exceeds CHESS Best Practice
- High recovery heating coil in less than 19 minutes
- All cylinders have a separate sensor pocket for connection to a Viessmann 4-pipe system
- High flow rates achievable working at 3.0 Bar
- Stand-alone cylinder, complies with G3 Building Regulations
- Back up 3 kW immersion heater
- Up to 300 litre capacity
- External expansion vessel (supplied)
- Dimensions of 600 mm at widest point
- Simple front connection compression fittings
- Simple maintenance – no anode required
- Lightweight design for ease of transport and handling and convenient installation
- 25 year warranty against corrosion