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Whats the Buzz? April 2023 Edition

Whats the Buzz? April 2023 Edition

This month’s ‘What's the Buzz?’ spotlight is on Lisa Rogers of Flamco

Interviewing Lisa was very easy. A very matter-of-fact woman with a no-nonsense approach to the task at hand. She takes her job very seriously and is very focused on spreading the word about Flamco’s products.

Family influences helped get her to where she is today. An interest in technical matters and how things work comes from her father, who was a mechanical engineer in nuclear power. Lisa has worked previously in power transmission but on clearing out her spam folder one day, she came across an advert from Flamco and the rest, as they say, is history.

As well as raising a young family, Lisa clearly loves her job!

What do you love most about your job? “I love learning about how equipment in the heating Industry works and what they are designed to do”

Which product has the wow factor in our option? “Flamco MeiFlow pump groups. I just can’t get over the versatility of the product and with over 450 different configurations, we still haven’t reached the bottom of what this “miracle machine” can do for the design of smart heating systems.”

What is your message to the world of heating? “Turning down your thermostat is not the answer to everything, I believe in smart heating solutions that will cut energy consumption and that more people need to get on board in order to weather (compensate) the storm of high energy bills!”

Who has influenced you in your current heating career path? “Paul Brimble of BEE has got to be my first mention, I am very grateful for the knowledge he has passed on to me with reference to the pump groups, he is my UK guru on the matter.” They both definitely share an enthusiasm for the products. "My next mention would be to Michael Baggley, who is a Flamco Application Engineer and has taught me everything I know about data centres and information storage”.

What superpower would you choose? “Time-travel! I would go into the future and see if heat pumps are the way humanity is going to heat and cool its future homes, Is low heat the future? The multi-million-pound question and I would like the answers!”

What should we all be talking about but aren’t?

“PCM (Phase Change Material) and how it could bethe future of energy storage in domestic settings, also take a look at the Flamco G4 FlexiFiller Direct pumpless pressurisation unit, it’s a game changer for this application”

Many thanks, Lisa for going under the ‘What’s the BUZZ?’ spotlight. She now nominates Thomas Hilditch of TomPlumb.

Have we moved yet?

Absolutely not! At least not yet. After a sudden change of heart for the new premises, we have now decided to move to another unit in Wiltshire’s County town of Trowbridge, which is home to all our employees and offers better connections to major roads and other amenities as well as being rather swanky if we say so ourselves.

We will be up and running at the new

premises on the 3rd of July. Make sure you come to us after visiting City Plumbing for your basic parts…..wink wink…



April 2023 BEE WHAT'S THE BUZZ? by Sheldon de souza
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